Love doesn't flare up when somebody cuts it off on I-95; Love doesn't turn to its spouse or significant other and say, "This is the fourth time this month you forgot to take the garbage out to the street." Love didn't do the happy dance when Lorena Bobbit cut of her poor husband's sexual organ but love rejoices when a married couple finds the pleasure of God in the pleasure of their union.
It will go downstairs itself if there's a strange noise in the house or sip the hot drink before handing it to its five-year-old; it never wonders unduly that its mate is staying at work late to fool around with a co-worker; it always believes in people--that they may not be where they could be, but by God, they're not going to be where they are a year from now! It doesn't throw down the towel at every little thing or big problem and brandish the "divorce" word and love never says, "But I'm not *in* love with you anymore." It also doesn't leave a church at the drop of hat or a ball or a song it didn't like. Love likes all the songs if it brings someone closer to God.
If love promises to pick up the kids at four, it comes at four, and if it says it'll bring a dessert to basket bingo at the VFW hall, it does, and if someone is puking in the toilet at 3 a.m., love will be there to hold up the long hair of its daugher or wipe the sweating brow and rub the tender, spine-bumped back of its son. Love buys the Depends before they're gone.
Prophetic people can prophesy all they want, tongue-speakers can talk like angels until the skies fall, and scholars can spout systematic theology and copious passages of scripture -- but these gifts won't mean anything someday in the face of love.
All these things we do without perfection because we are human beings who live in an earthy husk of peeling frailty. Ah, but when perfection comes all this will go away.
I remember my days as a little girl, I spoke brashly thinking I knew it all, thinking my parents didn't have a clue and my understanding, given the fact that I hadn't really lived yet, hadn't had kids of my own, been responsible for the mortgage, the utilities, the food on the table, was like judging the Blue Ridge Mountains in a ropy fog. But when I got older, I didn't have the luxury of knowing it all, for the rent came due and there were diapers to be bought and parents to bury and I hadn't the time to be the wisewoman, dispensing my opinions at my leisure.
And still we see as though in that fog, stumbling along in pure faith that God is who He says He is, but someday, oh someday the mists will lift and we will see His face. And on that day, He will see ours, for the first time, in our new perfection, not the future promise of such, this blood-stained perfection bought on the cross stabbed into the hill of Calvary. Completion! Redemption full blown!
Faith, and hope and love abide here now as we paupers live our lives covered in a costly grace. But love? It outshines it all.
Hope love visits from you today.
Sorry, Lisa ... All bets are off on Rt. 95.
Posted by: Jules | October 02, 2004 at 06:31 PM
so moved... do I hear a second? Lisa, you are such a master wordsmith... knowing that i so often fail to love, truly, in purity, i stand humbled by your perspective... and am motivated to let Christ's love avalanche thru the forest of my selfishness and cover me so that i can support others lovingly, truthfully.... that's not a great picture, but so much of me needs to be buried beneath His love, His grace... i'm so thankful for His promise to do it. thanks for the deep and practical thoughts!
Posted by: Pauline | October 02, 2004 at 08:14 PM
This is wonderful. I love the idea of each of us writing our own Message. Thanks Lisa.
Posted by: Karen H. | October 02, 2004 at 11:53 PM
That was absolutely gorgeous!! I wish I had the talent you have, Aunt Cees. You have such a beautiful way with words. I think I'm going to print that out and hang it on my bulliten board at school so I can read it every day. You're so awesome!! I love you
Posted by: Melissa | October 03, 2004 at 02:56 AM
beautiful lisa!
this is my favorite verse, and you have made it even more read - thank you!
'And still we see as though in that fog, stumbling along in pure faith that God is who He says He is, but someday, oh someday the mists will lift and we will see His face. And on that day, He will see ours, for the first time, in our new perfection, not the future promise of such, this blood-stained perfection bought on the cross stabbed into the hill of Calvary. Completion! Redemption full blown!'
on a much less serious note - who are the depends for?? :)
Posted by: bobbie | October 03, 2004 at 03:46 AM
Bobbie, they would have been for my mother had she lived long enough. She had just made it home from months in the hospital and needed them, but I was away for a much needed vacation so a friend came in to care for her. She died two days later. I honestly didn't know how I was going to change her diapers. I was just praying and praying I wouldn't have to. And God took her. I doubt it was in answer to my prayer, more like my mother hated the thought of that much dignity lost. But still, I wasn't really willing to do it and I've always kind of regretted my attitude even if my actions never had to be tried.
Posted by: lisa | October 03, 2004 at 07:27 AM
Every time you write something like this, of such grace and beauty and power, you confirm my belief that you're one of the finest writers around. You allow us to hear your heart ... and what a caring, noble heart it is.
Thanks for starting my morning in such a special way.
Posted by: BJ | October 03, 2004 at 08:16 AM
I LOVED that Lisa. It was incredible!
Posted by: Michele Hastings | October 03, 2004 at 09:40 AM
I love your "love chapter" ... greetings from Malaysia
Posted by: Sivin Kit | October 03, 2004 at 10:10 PM
Ahh... Lisa, this was like honey. It contained everything about your writing that I love. I'm breathing deeper now. Slower. I think this is an awesome exercise. Thank you.
Posted by: Mary | October 04, 2004 at 01:02 PM
WOW! I needed that....thanks for sharing!!
Posted by: Valerie | October 04, 2004 at 07:09 PM
Thanks you all! This really helped me a lot to do this exercise. I'm thinking about doing David's "create in me a clean heart" psalm next. Man, do I need that!
Posted by: lisa | October 04, 2004 at 09:34 PM
Posted by: Scott | October 05, 2004 at 08:55 PM